Thursday Nights 5:00pm-6:30PST
May 23rd-June 27th
Sliding Scale
Via Zoom
What if addiction is simply an attempt to get an emotional need met in a way that is at the very least ineffective, yet powerful enough to cause great damage to our bodies, relationships, and lives?
In this series we will explore the principles of the 12-steps through somatic practices and movement. Through this process we will aim to develop self-awareness, discover somatic resources, experience co-regulation, and establish an embodied understanding of the principles of the 12-steps.We will also have fun, and practice restorative rest.
The Principles
1. Honesty
2. Hope
3. Surrender
4. Courage
5. Integrity
6. Willingness
7. Humility
8. Love
9. Responsibility
10. Discipline
11. Awareness
12. Service
Addiction is more prevalent and widespread than our society acknowledges.
Think about your relationship to food, technology, work, exercise, negative thinking, self-criticism, gossip, the list goes on. Don't all these things have an addictive quality? How do you know?
You can probably feel or sense it in your body. The body is always communicating with us. In this class we will practice listening to the language of the body.
Being in our bodies, being in this reality, can feel so hard sometimes
NOTE: This is NOT A 12-step meeting, therapy, addiction treatment or a substitute for medical treatment or diagnosis of any kind.
It is natural and sometimes necessary to to check-out. We need breaks but...
There is a difference between restorative action that supports our nervous systems and activities that contribute to nervous system disregulation.
Drinking can take the edge off initially, but...
It disallows our nervous system to naturally find its way to a regulated state, our ability to cope with stress shrinks and calcifies.
A healthy nervous system is a flexible nervous system, but...
We have to be present in our bodies; connected and related to our experience to develop sustainable inner resources.
The 12-steps offer a solution to the cycle of addiction
A little history...
The 12-step program was first developed by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in the 1930s to help individuals struggling with alcohol addiction. Since then, the model has been adapted for various other addiction recovery programs, such as Narcotics Anonymous and Overeaters Anonymous, Co-dependents Anonymous, Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, Al-Anon, ACA and more. Over the years it has become clear that this program not only supports people experiencing substance use addiction but other "addictive" behaviors as well.
12-step programs have been an integral part of my spiritual and healing journey. I truly believe EVERYONE can benefit from exploring the 12-steps.
As a somatic/movement-oriented educator and facilitator, it makes sense to me to explore this powerful program in an embodied way.
Join me for this unique experience and find out what your body wants to communicate with you.
Thursday Nights 5:00pm-6:30PST
May 23rd-June 27th
Sliding Scale
Via Zoom:
NOTE: This is NOT A 12-step meeting, therapy, addiction treatment or a substitute for medical treatment or diagnosis of any kind.